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About Our Shop

Isn’t it funny how ‘health and wellbeing’ is something that we do not usually think about when we are young or are perceived as ‘fighting fit’.

The same could be said about me as well, I am no different. Watching a sister battle ovarian cancer, a brother with severe debilitating fibromyalgia and living the struggle that one of my children has had against candida infection spurred me into action and prompted me to ask the question: At what point does modern medicine stop being a help and start being a hindrance to our immune system and what can we do to support it?

Sometimes as lay people we can often feel powerless. We are bombarded with medical jargon, and let’s face it, a lot of inaccurate information out there on the worldwide web. Not accustomed to such things, I started with the basics. What are the key elements of life that all cells need to maintain optimum health? Magnesium kept coming up in just about every piece of research that I did.

Out of this Magnesium Australia was born. My aim is to source only the finest quality products from reputable business within Australia that can be easily incorporated into a normal day that can maximize the absorption of magnesium and essential trace elements into the body transdermally, so that people will not have to struggle to find these products as we had to.

On a personal level, I cannot stress how these products have changed my family’s lives, and I continue to meet hundreds of people who have also taken control of their own health, done their research and modified their lifestyle accordingly to suit their own optimum health goals.

Magnesium Australia has undergone massive change since its conception 9 years ago and I am proud to say that our brand is now associated with only the finest quality products and has maintained a reputation for exceptional service to its regular clients, which is provided through our many independent distributors. Our aim is provide our clients with everything magnesium so that everyone can make the choice of supplementation that suits their lifestyle and that of their family and now even their beloved pets. We also urge all our clients to do their research so that they can make informed decisions regarding their own health that sits best with their own ethical and spiritual views as we make no claim on behalf of any of our products.

We are not doctors and when sick, always seek the advice of a health professional. We are not suggesting that our products be used in place of standard recognised medical treatments and we always recommend that you let your doctor OK the use of any of our products.

The old saying goes: ‘You are what you eat’ and we now know that the body can eat and drink through its largest, and often most neglected organ – the skin.

We only have one life – one body, your choice?

Joe Farrugia